Search Results for Accessory Fruit

Beach rose (Rosehip): Rosa rugosa
03 Jul 2019

Rosehips can be used to make fruit tea and Hagebuttenmark. Dried and ground, they even replace flour and can be mixed with it.

Chestnut Rose (Rosehips): Rosa roxburghii
25 Jul 2018

From rose hips a fruit tea can be prepared as well as jam (“hagebuttenmark, buttenmost”) . Dried and ground, they even can be used as a flour substitute and can be mixed with flour.

Dog Rose (Rosehip): Rosa canina
28 Oct 2020

Rosehips can be used to make fruit tea and Hagebuttenmark.

Mock strawberry: Potentilla indica
13 Aug 2018

The strawberries-like red fruits are edible, but taste dull and watery.

White-fleshed Dragon Fruit: Hylocereus undatus
26 Jun 2017

The pitaya is best eaten fresh and raw. I like to spoon out the white, sweet fruit pulp from the halved fruit.

Snake fruit: Salacca zalacca
12 Jul 2019

The paper-thin skin hides a very firm, crunchy, yellowish-white flesh, which tastes very good when ripe and has an aroma reminiscent of mango, lychee or (remotely) durian.

Red Dragon Fruit: Hylocereus cf. monacanthus
26 Jun 2017

The intense pink color of this fruit, especially of the fruit flesh, is a challenge for the eye and for the camera sensor.

Star fruit: Averrhoa carambola
21 Nov 2021

The carambola or star fruit is often used for decoration at buffets or in cocktails.

Jujube: Ziziphus jujuba
30 Sep 2019

During the ripening process, the initially yellow fruit is covered more and more with reddish-brown spots until the whole skin is brown.

Noni: Morinda citrifolia
12 Feb 2020

Although the noni not only smells bad but also tastes bitter, the ripe and unripe fruits and seeds are eaten.

Bengal quince: Aegle marmelos
08 May 2018

To open this fruit, I needed 2 large knives. A saw would have been better, but I didn’t have it at hand. When I spooned out the fruit, my spoon also broke.

Pinapple-Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Pinapple’
04 Oct 2018

Pineapple tomatoes are one of the largest and heaviest tomato varieties. Individual fruits can weigh over 1 kg.

Drumstick tree: Moringa oleifera
10 Apr 2018

The long, immature capsule fruits of the horseradish tree are called “drumsticks” where they are used as fruit vegetables.

African pear: Dacryodes edulis
28 Jun 2017

In its consistency and fat content, the safou can best be compared to the avocado, but there is a lemon or lime-like aroma with a fine acidity.

Tindola: Coccinia grandis
13 Jun 2017

When the fruit ripenes, it turns red, unfortunately it becomes also very mushy. The tindola, as the fruit of the ivy gourd plant is called, is eaten as a fruit-vegetable. Ripe fruits can be candied. In tropical Asia the young shoots are also eaten.

Sweet cherry (yellow): Prunus avium subsp. duracina ‘Dönissens gelbe Knorpelkirsche’
21 Jun 2021

Of all the yellow cherry varieties, this one is probably the best known and most common throughout Germany.

Prickly wild rose (rose hips): Rosa acicularis
26 Jan 2021

North American natives made tea from the leaves and also ate them as a salad. The inner bark was smoked like tobacco.

Sweet granadilla: Passiflora ligularis
20 Jul 2018

Unlike the grey-violet, roundish passion fruit (P. edulis f. edulis), this fruit of sweet granadilla is rarely used for the production of juices, but mainly as freshly eaten dessert fruit.

White currant: Ribes rubrum var. alba
13 Aug 2018

Like their red relatives, white currants are popular garden plants, but their fruits are sweeter.

Hummingbird fuchsia: Fuchsia magellanica
08 Feb 2021

The fruits of the scarlet fuchsia are edible, taste sweet and a little pungent.

Soursop: Annona muricata
16 Aug 2019

The soursop is very similar to the cherimoya which is related to it, but it is even more sensitive to pressure and therefore rarely found on the market.

Deleb palm: Borassus aethiopum
12 Sep 2017

The fibrous tissue surrounding the seeds can be eaten raw, roasted or cooked at full maturity. It’s said it tastes like coconut.

Myrobalan plum (red variety): Prunus cerasifera
25 Mar 2020

If the myrobalan plum is not eaten raw, it can be processed into compote and jam.

Zwetschge ‘Elena’: Prunus domestica subsp. domestica ‘Elena’
25 Mar 2020

Zwetschgen are eaten fresh, processed into zwetschgendatschi tart, schmootsch and as dried fruits.

Green Walnut: Juglans regia
04 Oct 2018

The green walnut is the unripe walnut fruit (J. regia) harvested before St John’s Day on 24 June which is processed into a delicacy.

Redcurrant: Ribes rubrum
13 Oct 2017

Redcurrants are processed to red fruit soups and summer pudding, juice and ice cream. And many more…

Red-fleshed clementine: Citrus × aurantium
15 Apr 2020

As with blood oranges and the red lemon, there are also red pigmented variants of mandarins and clementines.

Adam’s Apple: Citrus lumia ´Pomum d’Adamum’
17 Jul 2017

The fruit is very thick-skinned and also resembles the size of a citron.

San Marzano Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘San Marzano’
15 Apr 2020

The fruit ripens throughout the summer and into the autumn. It has a firm flesh and is mainly processed into tomato paste and canned food.

Miracle Berry: Synsepalum dulcificum
19 Nov 2018

Miracle berry has a unique effect on our sense of taste: it superimposes taste impressions in a way that everything is perceived as being sweet.

Palmyra palm: Borassus flabellifer
27 Jun 2017

I have only tried the approximately walnut-sized kernels, of which there are usually 3 to 4 in a fruit. They contain a lot of water and have a subtle, coconut-like, sweet taste.

Padi oats: Gnetum gnemon
01 Mar 2018

The kernel (nucellus) contains a lot of starch (and vitamins), so that a flour can be obtained from them after roasting, with which flat bread is baked or crackers called “emping” are fried.

Dead man’s fingers: Decaisnea fargesii
03 Jun 2017

The jelly-like fruit content, which surrounds the disc-shaped seeds, tastes sweet and is a small snack for anytime.

Listata Bitter Orange: Citrus × aurantium ‘Listata’
03 Jun 2017

Specially from the immature fruit (as well from the leaves) of the bitter orange the aromatic oil “Petitgrain” is won.

Etrog Citron: Citrus medica ‘Etrog’
08 Sep 2017

The huge citrons have little fruit pulp and a thick peel (the white albedo), which is usually candied and added to bakery for seasoning.

Common bearberry: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
07 Jun 2017

The red stone fruits can be processed well to juice, jam and syrup.

Striped bitter orange: Citrus × aurantium ‘Fasciata’ (unripe)
07 Jun 2017

Juice and fruit pulp can savoured fresh or processed to jelly and lemonade, if the bitterness is not unpleasant.

King of the Pippins (apple cultivar): Malus domestica ‘King of the Pippins’
24 Jan 2021

The King of the Pippins is low in acidity and tastes sweet, and for a long time this cultivar was considered one of the best apples in the world.

Natal plum: Carissa macrocarpa
23 Jan 2021

The fruits of the natal plum, which are red when ripe, have a creamy, soft consistency and taste sweet.

Virginia Raspberry: Rubus odoratus
28 Sep 2018

The fruits are small, not particularly juicy and decompose easily, which is why they have not become established as a fruit plant.

Bergamot orange: Citrus bergamia
31 May 2017

The highest importance has the aromatic oil, of course, in the perfume production, but also tea (Earl Gray and Lady Gray), confectionery and Lokum are flavored with bergamot oil.

Buddha’s Hand: Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis
01 Jun 2017

The multiform Buddha’s hand is a special kind of citron.

Jelly Palm: Butia capitata
04 Oct 2018

The jelly palm has delicious orange fruits with a seed that looks and tastes like a mini coconut.

Java apple: Syzygium samarangense
04 Jun 2018

Java apples are usually eaten raw as dessert fruit, but sometimes they also find their way into spicy dishes.

Sour cherry: Prunus cerasus
27 Oct 2017

The variety morello cherry (subsp. acida) is well-known and often traded in glass jars, as compotes and jam, and it is an essential ingredient in the Black Forest gateau.

Breadfruit: Artocarpus altilis (unripe)
24 Jun 2017

Under the light green skin of these large, still immature fruits is a white, firm fruit flesh, whose sticky latex quickly turns yellow.

24 Jun 2017

Just like fruits, such arilli can be very fleshy and taste sweet.

Chinese persimmon: Diospyros kaki var. sylvestris
11 Jul 2017

The flesh of this persimmon reminded me of a dried date: it was brown and soft, tasted sweet, perhaps caramel-like, but unfortunately also “not quite fresh”.

Date: Phoenix dactylifera
11 Jul 2017

The fresh, yellow fruits still taste astringent. Only in the brown, overripe fruits are the tannins degraded and the honey-sweet, caramel-like taste dominates.

Blackthorn: Prunus spinosa
21 Nov 2021

Blackthorn fruits are made into jam, jelly and compote.

Higan cherry: Prunus subhirtella ‘Pendula-Rubra’
17 Feb 2018

Even if the fruits are not productive, they can be eaten fresh from the tree or processed into jam, compote and liqueur. The beautiful flowers can decorate dried tea mixtures.

Cattley guava: Psidium cattleyanum var. cattleyanum
03 Feb 2020

Cattley guava has spherical, red berries that can be eaten fresh or processed into juice, jam and sorbet.

Pomegranate: Punica granatum
16 Oct 2017

Pomegranate juice is obtained from these fruits, which is then processed into pomegranate wine and grenadine.

Jalapeño: Capsicum annuum cv. ‘Jalapeño’
11 Jul 2017

It is cut into small pieces for seasoning, especially for salsas.

Sinofranchetia chinensis
13 Jun 2017

The edible fruits of Sinofranchetia are very similar to grapes, but less sweet and with a little leathery skin.

Crab apple ‘Butterball’: Malus ‘Butterball’
20 Feb 2018

This crab apple can be used in a similar way to most mealy and low acid apples, but above all it can be eaten fresh from the tree.

Anhalter (apple variety): Malus domestica
07 Feb 2021

The ‘Anhalter’ apple variety is classified as a cider apple. It has a high tannin content and is therefore particularly suitable for the production of cider and apple juice.

Magenta cherry: Syzygium paniculatum
13 Jun 2017

The Magenta Lilly Pilly is usually eaten raw, but can also be processed to a jam

Cornelian cherry: Cornus mas
10 Apr 2018

Cornelian cherries taste sweet, but also quite astringent when picked and eaten fresh from trees or hedges.

Bitter melon: Momordica charantia (unripe)
26 Sep 2017

Boiled, fried or filled and baked, the immature fruits are very appreciated because of their bitterness.

Gooseberry: Ribes uva-crispa
07 Jun 2017

The gooseberry grows in many gardens and can be picked fresh from the bush or eaten as light green jelly or compote.

Hayato Pumpkin: Cucurbita moschata ‘Hayato’
11 Sep 2017

The variety comes from Japan and is named after a Japanese tribe (隼 人, “Falcon-People”), who lived on the Kyūshū island during the Nara period.

Sponge gourd: Luffa aegyptiaca
08 Mar 2018

If the sponge gourd, which is also called vietnamese luffa, is still immature, its net-like tissue is not yet lignified and therefore soft and edible.

Cane Apple: Arbutus unedo
06 Aug 2020

The berry tastes sweet, hardly sour and has no characteristic aroma.

Citron: Citrus medica ‘Maxima’
19 Mar 2018

This huge citrons have little pulp and a thick peel (the white albedo), which is usually candied and added as “succade” to pastry.

Childing orange: Citrus × aurantium ‘Foetifera’
28 Sep 2017

The fruits of the childing orange are “pregnant” with another fruit: in the interior grows a smaller fruit, along with a peel.

Conspicuous blackberry: Rubus conspicuus
28 Sep 2017

The “conspicuous” blackberry can be consumed directly from the bush as a soft fruit or processed into jam, jelly, liqueur, compote, sorbet and juice.

Amanatsu: Citrus natsudaidai
28 Sep 2017

The name “Amanatsu” means “Sweet Summer”. The sun-yellow fruit is about the size of an orange. In Japan iIt is eaten fresh or processed into jam, juice, ice cream, liqueur and wine.

Pheasant berry: Leycesteria formosa
28 Sep 2017

As soon as the small fruits of pheasant berry are ripe and therefore dark brown and soft, they taste intensely like slightly burnt (bitter) caramel.

Urad bean: Vigna mungo (unripe pulses)
11 Oct 2017

In addition to the small, dark black grams, the immature, green pods are also edible as fruit vegetables.

Star-Ruby-Grapefruit: Citrus × paradisi ‚Star Ruby‘
26 Oct 2017

This red-fleshy variety with the reddish peel is very delicious!

Rowanberry: Sorbus aucuparia
11 Oct 2017

It is still a stubbornly held legend that the fruits of the rowanberry or mountain ash are poisonous. The small fruits are ideal for jam, mash, liqueur…

Five-leaf akebia: Akebia quinata
01 Mar 2021

The white, sweet-tasting pulp inside the pink five-leaf akebia fruits is best eaten while the fruit has not yet opened by itself.

Furrowed bitter orange: Citrus × aurantium ‘Canaliculata’
04 Jun 2018

This strange bitter orange variety stands out for its furrowed skin, but is consumable like most other bitter orange varieties.

Stuffing Cucumber: Cyclanthera pedata
01 Mar 2021

Almost all parts of the beautiful and fast-climbing stuffing cucumber are edible

Longkong: Lansium parasiticum ‘Longkong’
19 Nov 2018

The fruits grow in compact bundles and have a leathery, pale brown skin. The flesh is mainly eaten raw, but can also be processed into compote and canned foods.

Calamondin: Citrus microcarpa
17 Jul 2017

The calamondin has a thin, sweet peel and sour pulp.

Black chokeberry: Aronia melanocarpa
17 Feb 2018

The black chokeberry contains many vitamins and other important substances in such large quantities that it has also medical significance.

Striped Eggplant: Solanum melongena var. esculentum ‘Rotonda bianca sfumata di rosa’
13 Oct 2017

The variety ‘Rotonda bianca sfumata di rosa’ is found in the trade quite rare, typical in our (European) view are the black varieties.

Striped bitter orange: Citrus × aurantium ‘Fasciata’ (ripe)
17 Feb 2018

The cross section shows that ripe fruits of this variety no longer contain fruit juice.

Pink peppercorn: Schinus molle
01 Mar 2018

In addition to pepper mixtures, pink pepper berries are sometimes found in chocolate, which gives them a slight pungency and a peppery aroma.

Centennial Variegated Kumquat: Citrus japonica ‘Centennial Variegated’
03 Jun 2017

Kumquats are eaten as a whole. They are sweet and tangy and very aromatic.

Quince: Cydonia oblonga
07 Feb 2021

Quinces are rarely eaten raw. They are mainly consumed as jelly, stewed fruit, mush, chutney, schnapps and “dulce de membrillo”.

Sticky nightshade: Solanum sisymbriifolium
13 Jun 2017

The plant is completely protected by sharp prickles, but this should not stop anyone from tasting the sweet berries that look like 2 cm large tomatoes.

Red Velvet Okra: Abelmoschus esculentus ‘Red Velvet’
04 Nov 2019

The deep red colour of the Red Velvet Okras gets lost during cooking, the fruits turn as green as ordinary okra pods when heated.

Japanese plum-yew: Cephalotaxus harringtonia
28 Aug 2017

The extraordinary taste reminds of the resin from conifers compensates for the low yield.

Variegated lemon: Citrus × limon ‚Foliis Variegatis‘
07 Jun 2017

For lemonade, jam, sorbet, in dressings and as a spicy, souring ingredient in spicy as sweet dishes.

Cleopatra mandarin: Citrus reshni
07 Jun 2017

The abundant juice of unripe fruit is used for the production of lemonades or fruit juices.

Florentine citron: Citrus limonimedica ‘Florentina’
08 Sep 2017

The fruits of the Florentine citron are hanging on the branches like an upside down pear.

Lipo lemon: Citrus limon x Citrus paradisi ‚Lipo‘
07 Jun 2017

Peel and juice can be used like lemon, the firm flesh resembles the grapefruit, but somewhat more acid.

Jabuticaba: Plinia cauliflora
05 Dec 2017

The black skin is tough and tastes astringent, but the white, firm flesh inside is sweet and reminds of a grape or gooseberry in taste.

Applecactus: Harrisia pomanensis
08 May 2018

This berry of Harrisia pomanensis is not only visually reminiscent of pitayas, but also in taste and consistency.

Kaiser Alexander Cucumber: Cucumis sativus ‘Kaiser Alexander’
24 Aug 2021

Kaiser Alexander cucumbers at maturity have a dark brown skin with netting. At this stage, the fruit should be peeled before eating.

Poro Poro: Solanum viride
02 Nov 2020

The Green Nightshade or Poro Poro is called ” man-eater tomato” in German.

Korean dogwood: Cornus kousa
24 Jun 2017

Under the slightly leathery skin is a soft, mealy pulp with a flavour reminiscent of mango and pineapple.

Wild strawberry: Fragaria vesca
21 Mar 2019

The fruits are sweet and have a very aromatic taste. They are best eaten raw.

Green Zebra (striped tomato): Solanum lycopersicum ‘Green Zebra’
26 Oct 2017

Contrary to the green colour, the Green Zebra tastes, like many other types of tomatoes, pleasantly sweet.

Finger lime: Citrus australasica
26 Oct 2017

The beads refine or decorate sparkling wine, desserts, sushi or wherever a sour, fresh citrus flavour is welcome.

Elberta Girl Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Elberta Girl’
10 Aug 2018

The entire plant of the ‘Elberta Girl’ tomato cultivar is covered with a fine, silvery fluff. The leaves are somewhat curly, the fruits are flamed. They are not very sweet, the flesh is of a rather mealy-soft consistency.

Chasteberry: Vitex agnus-castus
10 Aug 2018

Fruits and leaves of “Monk’s pepper” work as spices. Especially the hot tasting fruits can be used as a pepper substitute.

Common dogwood: Cornus sanguinea
28 Sep 2017

The fruits can be cooked to make jam and juice. Raw, on the other hand, they taste very astringent.

Common medlar: Mespilus germanica
26 Oct 2017

The unique taste compensates for the painstaking production of jelly and compote.

White fringetree: Chionanthus virginicus
07 Jun 2019

The soft, juicy pulp tastes aromatic of fir, it is tart and resinous, yet very sweet.

Borage: Borago officinalis
01 Mar 2021

The finely chopped leaves of borage even taste good in fruit salad or can be made into a kind of spinach.

Beale’s barberry: Mahonia bealei
24 Jul 2018

Ripe fruits of Beale’s barberry are edible raw or cooked and a jam can be prepared. Dried berries give muesli a fruity note.

Exhibitions and purchase of art works
05 Oct 2021

Selected motifs in limited editions My hand-signed, limited edition fine art prints and other murals are best viewed at my exhibitions, listed below. Studio sales and shipping are also available upon request. The current list of works with prices can

Chinese cedar: Citrus medica ‘Aurantiata’
05 Jul 2019

Despite its higher juice content, Chinese citron can be used in the kitchen like other varieties of citron, such as succade or jam.

Pink prickly heath: Gaultheria mucronata ‘Purpurea’
28 Jan 2021

Many do not know that the fruits of prickly heath, which are usually white, can also be eaten.

Amur peppervine: Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata
28 Jan 2021

The colourful fruits of Amur peppervine taste predominantly sweet. They have no intense taste and no acidity.

Pear lemon: Citrus × lumia ‘Pyriformis’
02 Nov 2017

The Pear lemon is a Lumia cultivar and therefore a hybrid of Pomelo, Lemon and Citron.

Gezahnte tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Gezahnte Buhrer Keel’
22 Sep 2017

Beef tomatoes are mainly used for cooking, they can be filled and baked or used in stews and sauces. Tomatoes are even suitable for jams – alone or mixed with other fruits.

European dewberry: Rubus caesius
14 Sep 2017

They taste is almost the same as blackberries, but a bit more sour than these. The fruits can be picked straight from the shrub, or can be processed to jam and dewberry liqueurs.

Delicata squash: Cucurbita pepo var. pepo ‘Bush Delicata’
14 Jun 2018

The rather large fruits are steamed, roasted, stewed and baked, they can be filled.

Oval Kumquat: Citrus margarita
11 Mar 2019

Kumquats are eaten as a whole. They are sweet and tangy and very aromatic.

Jostaberry: Ribes × nidigrolaria
21 Nov 2021

The black, round berries with white little hairs are best eaten fresh as soft fruit, but they are of course also suitable for making jam, jelly, juice and liqueur.

The bizarre lemon: Citrus × lemon ‘Bizzarro’
03 Jun 2017

The fruits are juicy, which suggests a use for lemonade, marmelade and jelly.

Common buckwheat: Fagopyrum esculentum
11 Jul 2017

Common buckwheat: Fagopyrum esculentum More than just ``Poor man's food`` An important identifying characteristics of the common buckwheat that differentiats from the other buckwheat species is the red stem. Because gluten is absent, buckwheat can not be used alone for

Bilberry cactus: Myrtillocactus geometrizans
01 Mar 2018

Billberry cactus has an impressive growth height of up to 4 meters, and yet it produces only very small, sweet tasting fruits.

Indigo rose tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Indigo Rose’
20 Feb 2018

Indigo rose tomato belongs to the rather small-fruited varieties and can be eaten directly from the shrub.

Kaffir lime: Citrus hystrix
11 Jul 2017

In contrast to other types of lime, kaffir limes contain little juice, which is why the use of the essential oils in the dish is the focus.

Indian Moon Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Indian Moon’
28 Oct 2020

A typical attribute of the bright golden yellow tomato variety ‘Indian Moon’ is the fine blush of the very ripe fruits up to red “cheeks”.

Mouse melon: Melothria scabra
11 Jul 2017

The approximately 3-4 cm long, round-oval berries of the mouse melon resemble tiny water melons with their light and dark green mesh pattern, but they taste intensive like cucumbers.

Turkmen Pear: Pyrus turcomanica
10 Jun 2020

The round fruits of the Turkmen pear look more like small apples, but the flesh contains the stone cells typical for pears

Chinese quince: Pseudocydonia sinensis
22 Nov 2021

In their East Asian origin, the fruits are chopped up and drunk as fruit tea, or they are made into canned goods.

Santa Barbara key lime: Citrus × aurantifolia ‘Santa Barbara’
18 Nov 2019

The cultivar ‘Santa Barbara’ is orange in colour and has a perfume-like aroma and a slightly soapy taste.

Purple Calabash Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Purple Calabash’
10 Jun 2020

The purple calabash tastes sweet and very aromatic, as one would otherwise expect from the much smaller cocktail tomatoes.

Rhubarb: Rheum rhabarbarum
27 Nov 2020

The stems are hardly sweet and are therefore usually given sugar.

Paper mulberry: Broussonetia papyrifera
07 Sep 2017

The mature, fleshy single fruits of the infructescence is sweet and can be eaten directly or processed into jam.

Devil’s claw: Proboscidea louisianica
07 Sep 2017

In their original habitat, the immature fruits are eaten pickled or steamed.

Maule’s quince: Chaenomeles japonica
26 Sep 2017

The very firm, pleasant-smelling and astringent tasting fruits can be cooked and then juiced. For example, a jelly can be prepared from the juice.

Eastern Black Walnut: Juglans nigra
14 Jul 2017

The Eastern black walnut is used in the USA as in Europe the common walnut.

Winter’s Blackberry: Rubus winteri
05 Dec 2017

Winter’s Blackberry: Rubus winteri Not a winter crop Winter's blackberry, often called "winter blackberry", probably has nothing to do with the cold season. The "i" at the end of a botanical name usually refers to a surname and I suspect

Nanking cherry: Prunus tomentosa
23 Jan 2021

The hairy fruits, which grow on very short stems almost directly on the branch, are juicy and soft, slightly sweet and tart.

Yeddo hawthorn: Rhaphiolepis umbellata
26 Feb 2018

In times of need, the seeds were used to produce a flour substitute.

Baby Boo Pumpkin: Cucurbita pepo var. pepo ‘Baby Boo’
09 Jan 2023

The Baby Boo pumpkin is hardly bigger than an apple. The firm skin is white, the firm flesh rather cream-coloured to pale orange.

Cocoa: Theobroma cacao
09 Jan 2023

The purple or reddish, brittle cocoa beans are first fermented with the help of the sweet pulp for about 10 days, which reduces the bitter substances and slowly develops the typical cocoa aroma.

Canary arbutus: Arbutus canariensis
26 Oct 2017

The local people like the fruits directly from the shrub, but they can also be processed to confectionery and fruit schnapps.

Black Emmer Wheat: Triticum dicoccon var. atratum
03 Nov 2020

The protein (gluten) it contains is not said to have good adhesive properties, but black emmer wheat is nevertheless suitable for baking bread and pastries.

African horned melon: Cucumis metulliferus
28 Sep 2017

The horned cucumber or african horned melon is indeed related to cucumbers and melons. The green jelly inside tastes like a mixture of both, it is a bit sweet and has little acidity.

Meyer lemon: Citrus × meyeri
27 Feb 2018

The smaller, thin-peeled fruits of Meyer lemon taste very intense and are not as sour as many other varieties. At the same time, they are very juicy.

Marrowfat pea Blauwschokker: Pisum sativum convar. speciosum ‘Blauwschokker’
02 Oct 2019

Blauwschokker peas are mainly used as dry peas, less often fresh, although they taste sweet as long as they are harvested young and tender and are eaten immediately.

Indian sandbur: Cenchrus biflorus
19 Mar 2018

The grains are edible raw and cooked: crushed into porridge or ground into flour from which bread can finally be baked.

Job’s tears: Coix lacryma-jobi
10 Aug 2018

Despite its numerous uses, which are also used for medical purposes, Job’s tears are not very popular compared to other cereals. The cultivation is even declining.

Ligiri: Idesia polycarpa
07 Jun 2019

The Ligiri, native to East Asia, carries clusters of small berries that taste bitter and tangy. They can be eaten raw or cooked.

Wild rye: Secale strictum ssp.
10 Aug 2018

Like most wild forms, also those of rye are not particularly productive and are rarely or no longer cultivated today in contrast to the cultivated forms.

Ceylon cinnamon: Cinnamomum verum
09 Apr 2023

Cinnamon is used as “sticks” or “canels” (peeled and dried bark, but actually the bast) to flavour a wide variety of dishes and is usually cooked with them.

Ocro seeds: Abelmoschus esculentus
01 Mar 2021

The ripe seeds of the okra or okro can be roasted and nibbled or used as a coffee substitute.

Bog bilberry: Vaccinium uliginosum
11 Oct 2017

Bog bilberries can be freshly taken from the shrub or processed into jam, compote, liqueur and wine.

About the project
05 Oct 2021

This is FLORA OBSCURA "I think that edible plants - whether wild or cultivated - are the most valuable treasure of humanity. And that's how I want to present them: like precious jewels on black velvet." How are the images

European bladdernut: Staphylea pinnata
11 Oct 2017

If the seeds are not used for jewelery, they can be eaten like nuts. They are supposed to taste like pistachios.

25 Jul 2018

×Secalotricum is a fertile hybrid of male wheat (Triticum) and female rye (Secale). This grain is also described in its baking properties as a mixture of both.

Common wild oat: Avena fatua
02 Nov 2017

Wild oat is edible and can be valuable in times of need as a famine food.

Greater burdock: Arctium lappa
04 Apr 2019

The flower buds or flower bottoms of the burdock are edible like the artichoke. The young leaves are edible as wild vegetables.

Oaxacan Green dent corn: Zea mays ssp. mays convar. indentata ‘Oaxacan Green’
01 Mar 2021

Oaxacan Green dent corn is an old, green maize variety with very large cobs that was cultivated by the Zapotec Indians of Mexico in the province of Oaxaca.

Date-plum: Diospyros lotus
13 Oct 2017

Date plums can be eaten raw after frost destroyed their adstringency, but they are most eaten dried.

Kiwi berry: Actinidia arguta
22 May 2019

The  small kiwi berries are in their anatomy miniature editions of the common kiwifruit (A. deliciosa) and also have the typical aroma of the large fruits.

Jumbay (unripe fruits): Leucaena leucocephala
22 May 2019

The unripe legume of the Leadtree are particularly appreciated in Southeast Asian cuisine, although the plant originally comes from Central America.

Hemp: Cannabis sativa var. sativa
26 Jun 2017

This cultivation of hemp is useless as a drug crop, but as a food plant the more valuable.

Perettone citron: Citrus limonimedica ‘Perettone’
17 Jul 2017

The perettone citron is certainly one of the ornamental varieties among the citrus plants, but the fruits should be candied or made into jam.

Leaf parsley: Petroselinum crispum subsp. crispum
03 Feb 2021

Parsley is used as a fresh, aromatic kitchen herb, added to savory cold dishes or stews and sauces just before the end of cooking.

Blue-Cuties-Popcorn: Zea mays ssp. mays convar. everta ‘Blue Cuties’
11 Mar 2019

This dark popcorn bears comparatively many small cobs with small, round grains. These are almost black, with a blue-green shimmer.

Hongkong-Kumquat: Citrus hindsii
15 Sep 2017

The approximately 1 cm small fruits of the Hong Kong kumquat are the smallest citrus fruits in the world. In principle, they are edible, but they have little to offer because there is almost no flesh.

Love-in-a-mist: Nigella damascena
17 Feb 2018

The small black seeds in the capules can be used as spices, they taste like a mixture of nutmeg and woodruff.

Sweet chestnut: Castanea sativa
11 Jul 2017

The list of preparation options for eating chestnuts is long…

Chervil: Anthriscus cerefolium
02 Oct 2020

Chervil tastes like aniseed or tarragon. It is used to season soups, salads, sauces and herb butter and is one of the seven herbs in Frankfurt’s green sauce.

Hairy love grass: Eragrostis pilosa
01 Mar 2018

Although the seeds of the hairy love grass produced in panicles are only about 0,5-0.8 mm in size, they are used as cereals.

Ben oil tree: Moringa oleifera
04 Jul 2018

From the ripe seeds of the horseradish tree, which is also called ben oil tree, the sweet-tasting ben oil is obtained, which does not turn rancid.

Red lemon: Citrus limonimedica ‘Pigmentata’
20 Feb 2018

The fruits will probably only turn beautiful red when exposed to sufficient cold, otherwise they can remain yellow and look like ordinary lemons.

Crowfoot-grass: Dactyloctenium aegyptium
01 Mar 2018

The numerous, tiny seeds are collected wildly in times of food scarcity, slightly roasted and ground into a flour from which a thin meal soup or porridge can be prepared.

Pearl millet: Pennisetum glaucum
17 Oct 2017

Pearl millet is processed into millet gruel or flour, which is usually eaten as flatbread. Beer can be brewed from this crop.

Green Rice: Oryza sativa (unripe)
17 Oct 2017

A mash can be prepared from green rice and it is used as a coating for frying. With sugar, green rice can be cooked to brittle.

Horned bitter orange: Citrus × aurantium ‘Corniculata’
13 Feb 2020

The fruits of the horned bitter orange bear one or more conspicuous bulges that can look like horns.

Glass Gem Corn: Zea mays ssp. mays convar. indurata ‘Glass Gem Corn’
13 Feb 2020

The dried grains can be popped or ground into flour, but flour and popcorn are then no longer so colourful.

Black-caraway: Nigella sativa
28 Aug 2017

The seeds of the Black-caraway are mostly roasted. They are slightly bitter and spicy, with an unobtrusive aroma of cumin and roasted sesame seeds.

Common Grape Vine (Pinot blanc): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
17 Feb 2020

The berries are compact, the fruits are green when ripe and have a high sugar content.

Bitter melon: Momordica charantia (ripe)
26 Sep 2017

The red tissue, which encloses the poisonous seeds, tastes very sweet.

Beechnuts of fern-leaf beech: Fagus sylvatica forma Asplenifolia
19 Nov 2019

Beech can be used in many ways: the fruits called ” beechnuts ” as nuts or oil fruit and coffee substitute, leaves as salad, wood as smoke aroma.

Common oat: Avena sativa
23 Feb 2018

In contrast to many other cereals, oats do not need to be peeled, only dehulled. Oats are always a wholemeal product and therefore rich in vitamins, minerals and fibres.

City-goosefoot: Oxybasis urbica
30 Jun 2017

The black-brown seeds can be used as pseudocereals similar to quinoa, for example boiled as a porridge and grounded to a flour as addition to baking flour.

Furrowed Lemon: Citrus × limon ‘Canaliculata’
14 Apr 2018

The value of the furrowed lemon does not lie in their yield, they are more regarded as ornamental fruits. Nevertheless, this variety is edible like common lemons: as lemonade, jam and much more.

Sogrhum: Sorghum bicolor
03 Dec 2020

Sorghum is a staple food in parts of Africa (especially West and East Africa) and India.

Common Grape Vine (Schonburger): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
25 Feb 2020

Despite its bright red berries, Schonburger belongs to the white wines, its quality is compared with Traminer.

Common Grape Vine (Cabernet Mitos): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
25 Feb 2020

The berries of Cabernet Mitos not only have a deep blue, frosted skin, but their pulp is also rich in red pigments, which is not the case with most other grapes.

Common Grape Vine (Pinot Gris): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
27 Feb 2020

Pinot Gris is a variety of the common grape vine, which belongs to the white wines although the grape skin has a reddish to grey-violet colour.

Common Grape Vine (Riesling): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
27 Feb 2020

Riesling wines are of high quality and easily assume the character of their growing region.

Red clover: Trifolium pratense
13 Jul 2020

All parts of meadow clover are edible, and a flour made from the ground leaves tastes of vanilla.

Common Grape Vine (Scheurebe): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
27 Feb 2020

Scheurebe produces excellent dessert wines. But an early harvest leads to extremely unpleasant aromas, which are supposed to remind one of sweat or cat urine.

Dividia: Scorodophloeus zenkeri
11 Sep 2017

All parts of the tree smell of garlic and are used locally as a spice. Leaves are cooked as vegetables.

Hulless-threshing einkorn: Triticum sinskajae
12 Sep 2017

A striking characteristic of T. sinskajae is also the more compact and “round” shape of the awns.

Stone pine: Pinus pinea (Pine nuts)
08 May 2018

Pine nuts are usually roasted briefly in a pan and added as a seasoning ingredient to rice dishes, pesto and stewed leafy vegetables. They are also used to make sweets.

Guaraná: Paullinia cupana
26 Feb 2018

Dried seeds are ground into a brown paste, mixed with cassava flour to form “Pasta Guarana” and sweetened as a stimulating drink, similar to coffee or cacao.

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