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Borage: Borago officinalis

Colour: Blue, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Kitchen herbs, Taste: aromatic
Borage: Borago officinalis

Red clover: Trifolium pratense

Colour: Magenta, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Edible: Tubers and roots, Culinary Group: Legumes, Culinary Group: Brassica and leaf vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables
Red clover: Trifolium pratense

Carline Thistle: Carlina vulgaris

Colour: Yellow, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Inflorescence vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables
Carline Thistle: Carlina vulgaris

Common Daisy: Bellis perennis

Colour: Green, Colour: White, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild herbs
Common Daisy: Bellis perennis

Saffron: Crocus sativus

Colour: Violet, Colour: Red, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Spices and flavours
Saffron: Crocus sativus

Cabbage thistle: Cirsium oleraceum

Colour: Green, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Brassica and leaf vegetables, Culinary Group: Inflorescence vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables
Cabbage thistle: Cirsium oleraceum

Wintersweet: Chimonanthus praecox

Colour: Yellow, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Inflorescence vegetables, Culinary Group: Spices and flavours
Wintersweet: Chimonanthus praecox

Greater burdock: Arctium lappa

Colour: Green, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Inflorescence vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables
Greater burdock: Arctium lappa

Milk thistle: Silybum marianum

Colour: Violet, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Inflorescence vegetables
Milk thistle: Silybum marianum

Andean sage: Salvia discolor

Colour: Green, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Kitchen herbs, Taste: bitter, Taste: aromatic
Andean sage: Salvia discolor

Black locust-Flowers: Robinia pseudoacacia

Colour: White, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Inflorescence vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild herbs
Black locust-Flowers: Robinia pseudoacacia

Creeping cinquefoil: Potentilla reptans

Colour: Green, Colour: Yellow, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Wild herbs
Creeping cinquefoil: Potentilla reptans

Tree tumbo: Welwitschia mirabilis

Colour: Multicoloured, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables, Culinary Group: Famine Food
Tree tumbo: Welwitschia mirabilis

Sweet violet: Viola odorata

Colour: Violet, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Wild herbs, Culinary Group: Spices and flavours
Sweet violet: Viola odorata

Chinese mint shrub: Elsholtzia stauntonii

Colour: Violet, Colour: Green, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Kitchen herbs
Chinese mint shrub: Elsholtzia stauntonii

Golden marigold: Tagetes tenuifolia

Colour: Yellow, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Kitchen herbs
Golden marigold: Tagetes tenuifolia

Damask rose: Rosa x damascena ‘Rose de Resht’

Colour: Magenta, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Spices and flavours
Damask rose: Rosa x damascena ‘Rose de Resht’

Meadow sage: Salvia pratensis

Colour: Green, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Wild herbs
Meadow sage: Salvia pratensis

Female Larch flower: Larix decidua

Colour: Magenta, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Wild herbs
Female Larch flower: Larix decidua

Wild Garlic: Allium ursinum

Colour: Green, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables, Culinary Group: Kitchen herbs, Culinary Group: Wild herbs
Wild Garlic: Allium ursinum

Hardy Begonia: Begonia grandis x Begonia evansiana

Colour: Magenta, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Wild herbs
Hardy Begonia: Begonia grandis x Begonia evansiana
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