The Shaggy mane is one of the few mushrooms for which no trip into the forest is necessary to collect them, because they are in our midst – even in big cities. They grow on the meadows in parks, gardens and at the roadside, and when they have to, they even break through the asphalt and grow in the middle of the road.
Especially in autumn the fragile mushrooms can be seen in droves. Because of its habit to digest itself (autodigestion, within a few hours after harvest), it is not tradeable. If you collect them, you have to prepare them the same day, otherwise you will have nothing but black ink (with which was actually written!). Only then should the mushrooms for the stock be frozen. The stems are tough and are better removed before preparation. These can, however, be dried and then used as a spice.
Like all coprinus, the shaggy mane may not be consumed with alcohol, since the contained coprin may lead to the coprinus syndrome.