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Cocoa: Theobroma cacao

Colour: Orange, Edible: Fruits, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Culinary Group: Tropical fruits, Culinary Group: Spices and flavours, Culinary Group: Stimulants, Taste: sweet, Taste: bitter
Cocoa: Theobroma cacao

Blackthorn: Prunus spinosa

Colour: Blue, Edible: Fruits, Culinary Group: Stone fruits, Culinary Group: Wild fruits, Culinary Group: Stimulants, Taste: bitter, Taste: astringent
Blackthorn: Prunus spinosa

Beechnuts of fern-leaf beech: Fagus sylvatica forma Asplenifolia

Colour: Brown, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Culinary Group: Nuts, Culinary Group: Wild fruits, Culinary Group: Coffee substitutes, Taste: bitter, Taste: nutty
Beechnuts of fern-leaf beech: Fagus sylvatica forma Asplenifolia

Beach rose (Rosehip): Rosa rugosa

Colour: Red, Edible: Fruits, Culinary Group: Wild fruits, Taste: sweet, Taste: bitter
Beach rose (Rosehip): Rosa rugosa

Andean sage: Salvia discolor

Colour: Green, Edible: Flowers and buds, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Kitchen herbs, Taste: bitter, Taste: aromatic
Andean sage: Salvia discolor

Beale’s barberry: Mahonia bealei

Colour: Blue, Edible: Fruits, Culinary Group: Wild fruits, Taste: sour, Taste: bitter
Beale’s barberry: Mahonia bealei

Belgian endive: Cichorium intybus var. foliosum

Colour: Magenta, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Culinary Group: Brassica and leaf vegetables, Taste: bitter, Taste: watery
Belgian endive: Cichorium intybus var. foliosum

Pheasant berry: Leycesteria formosa

Colour: Brown, Edible: Fruits, Culinary Group: Wild fruits, Taste: sweet, Taste: bitter, Taste: aromatic
Pheasant berry: Leycesteria formosa
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