Search Results for jam

Redcurrant: Ribes rubrum
13 Okt 2017

Redcurrants are processed to red fruit soups and summer pudding, juice and ice cream. And many more…

White currant: Ribes rubrum var. alba
13 Aug 2018

Like their red relatives, white currants are popular garden plants, but their fruits are sweeter.

Wild strawberry: Fragaria vesca
21 Mrz 2019

The fruits are sweet and have a very aromatic taste. They are best eaten raw.

Zwetschge ‚Elena‘: Prunus domestica subsp. domestica ‚Elena‘
25 Mrz 2020

Zwetschgen are eaten fresh, processed into zwetschgendatschi tart, schmootsch and as dried fruits.

Bergamot orange: Citrus bergamia
31 Mai 2017

The highest importance has the aromatic oil, of course, in the perfume production, but also tea (Earl Gray and Lady Gray), confectionery and Lokum are flavored with bergamot oil.

Buddha’s Hand: Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis
01 Jun 2017

The multiform Buddha’s hand is a special kind of citron.

Centennial Variegated Kumquat: Citrus japonica ‚Centennial Variegated‘
03 Jun 2017

Kumquats are eaten as a whole. They are sweet and tangy and very aromatic.

Variegated lemon: Citrus × limon ‚Foliis Variegatis‘
07 Jun 2017

For lemonade, jam, sorbet, in dressings and as a spicy, souring ingredient in spicy as sweet dishes.

Common bearberry: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
07 Jun 2017

The red stone fruits can be processed well to juice, jam and syrup.

Magenta cherry: Syzygium paniculatum
13 Jun 2017

The Magenta Lilly Pilly is usually eaten raw, but can also be processed to a jam

Korean dogwood: Cornus kousa
24 Jun 2017

Under the slightly leathery skin is a soft, mealy pulp with a flavour reminiscent of mango and pineapple.

Red Dragon Fruit: Hylocereus cf. monacanthus
26 Jun 2017

The intense pink color of this fruit, especially of the fruit flesh, is a challenge for the eye and for the camera sensor.

Sweet chestnut: Castanea sativa
11 Jul 2017

The list of preparation options for eating chestnuts is long…

Calamondin: Citrus microcarpa
17 Jul 2017

The calamondin has a thin, sweet peel and sour pulp.

Perettone citron: Citrus limonimedica ‚Perettone‘
17 Jul 2017

The perettone citron is certainly one of the ornamental varieties among the citrus plants, but the fruits should be candied or made into jam.

Paper mulberry: Broussonetia papyrifera
07 Sep 2017

The mature, fleshy single fruits of the infructescence is sweet and can be eaten directly or processed into jam.

European dewberry: Rubus caesius
14 Sep 2017

They taste is almost the same as blackberries, but a bit more sour than these. The fruits can be picked straight from the shrub, or can be processed to jam and dewberry liqueurs.

Childing orange: Citrus × aurantium ‚Foetifera‘
28 Sep 2017

The fruits of the childing orange are “pregnant” with another fruit: in the interior grows a smaller fruit, along with a peel.

Common dogwood: Cornus sanguinea
28 Sep 2017

The fruits can be cooked to make jam and juice. Raw, on the other hand, they taste very astringent.

Conspicuous blackberry: Rubus conspicuus
28 Sep 2017

The “conspicuous” blackberry can be consumed directly from the bush as a soft fruit or processed into jam, jelly, liqueur, compote, sorbet and juice.

Amanatsu: Citrus natsudaidai
28 Sep 2017

The name „Amanatsu“ means „Sweet Summer“. The sun-yellow fruit is about the size of an orange. In Japan iIt is eaten fresh or processed into jam, juice, ice cream, liqueur and wine.

Rowanberry: Sorbus aucuparia
11 Okt 2017

It is still a stubbornly held legend that the fruits of the rowanberry or mountain ash are poisonous. The small fruits are ideal for jam, mash, liqueur…

Bog bilberry: Vaccinium uliginosum
11 Okt 2017

Bog bilberries can be freshly taken from the shrub or processed into jam, compote, liqueur and wine.

Common medlar: Mespilus germanica
26 Okt 2017

The unique taste compensates for the painstaking production of jelly and compote.

Star-Ruby-Grapefruit: Citrus × paradisi ‚Star Ruby‘
26 Okt 2017

This red-fleshy variety with the reddish peel is very delicious!

Sour cherry: Prunus cerasus
27 Okt 2017

The variety morello cherry (subsp. acida) is well-known and often traded in glass jars, as compotes and jam, and it is an essential ingredient in the Black Forest gateau.

Winter’s Blackberry: Rubus winteri
05 Dez 2017

Winter’s Blackberry: Rubus winteri Not a winter crop Winter's blackberry, often called "winter blackberry", probably has nothing to do with the cold season. The "i" at the end of a botanical name usually refers to a surname and I suspect

Jabuticaba: Plinia cauliflora
05 Dez 2017

The black skin is tough and tastes astringent, but the white, firm flesh inside is sweet and reminds of a grape or gooseberry in taste.

Black chokeberry: Aronia melanocarpa
17 Feb 2018

The black chokeberry contains many vitamins and other important substances in such large quantities that it has also medical significance.

Higan cherry: Prunus subhirtella ‚Pendula-Rubra‘
17 Feb 2018

Even if the fruits are not productive, they can be eaten fresh from the tree or processed into jam, compote and liqueur. The beautiful flowers can decorate dried tea mixtures.

Red lemon: Citrus limonimedica ‚Pigmentata‘
20 Feb 2018

The fruits will probably only turn beautiful red when exposed to sufficient cold, otherwise they can remain yellow and look like ordinary lemons.

Yellow nutsedge: Cyperus esculentus
08 Mrz 2018

The texture and taste of the tubers are reminiscent of ripe coconuts.

Citron: Citrus medica ‚Maxima‘
19 Mrz 2018

This huge citrons have little pulp and a thick peel (the white albedo), which is usually candied and added as “succade” to pastry.

Cornelian cherry: Cornus mas
10 Apr 2018

Cornelian cherries taste sweet, but also quite astringent when picked and eaten fresh from trees or hedges.

Furrowed Lemon: Citrus × limon ‚Canaliculata‘
14 Apr 2018

The value of the furrowed lemon does not lie in their yield, they are more regarded as ornamental fruits. Nevertheless, this variety is edible like common lemons: as lemonade, jam and much more.

Bengal quince: Aegle marmelos
08 Mai 2018

To open this fruit, I needed 2 large knives. A saw would have been better, but I didn’t have it at hand. When I spooned out the fruit, my spoon also broke.

Furrowed bitter orange: Citrus × aurantium ‚Canaliculata‘
04 Jun 2018

This strange bitter orange variety stands out for its furrowed skin, but is consumable like most other bitter orange varieties.

Black locust-Flowers: Robinia pseudoacacia
04 Jun 2018

The fresh flowers are often used in different countries as aromatic inflorescence vegetables or for jam.

Beale’s barberry: Mahonia bealei
24 Jul 2018

Ripe fruits of Beale’s barberry are edible raw or cooked and a jam can be prepared. Dried berries give muesli a fruity note.

Chestnut Rose (Rosehips): Rosa roxburghii
25 Jul 2018

From rose hips a fruit tea can be prepared as well as jam („hagebuttenmark, buttenmost“) . Dried and ground, they even can be used as a flour substitute and can be mixed with flour.

Elberta Girl Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‚Elberta Girl‘
10 Aug 2018

The entire plant of the ‚Elberta Girl‘ tomato cultivar is covered with a fine, silvery fluff. The leaves are somewhat curly, the fruits are flamed. They are not very sweet, the flesh is of a rather mealy-soft consistency.

Pinapple-Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‚Pinapple‘
04 Okt 2018

Pineapple tomatoes are one of the largest and heaviest tomato varieties. Individual fruits can weigh over 1 kg.

Jelly Palm: Butia capitata
04 Okt 2018

The jelly palm has delicious orange fruits with a seed that looks and tastes like a mini coconut.

Oval Kumquat: Citrus margarita
11 Mrz 2019

Kumquats are eaten as a whole. They are sweet and tangy and very aromatic.

Chinese cedar: Citrus medica ‚Aurantiata‘
05 Jul 2019

Despite its higher juice content, Chinese citron can be used in the kitchen like other varieties of citron, such as succade or jam.

Soursop: Annona muricata
16 Aug 2019

The soursop is very similar to the cherimoya which is related to it, but it is even more sensitive to pressure and therefore rarely found on the market.

Jujube: Ziziphus jujuba
30 Sep 2019

During the ripening process, the initially yellow fruit is covered more and more with reddish-brown spots until the whole skin is brown.

Cattley guava: Psidium cattleyanum var. cattleyanum
03 Feb 2020

Cattley guava has spherical, red berries that can be eaten fresh or processed into juice, jam and sorbet.

Myrobalan plum (red variety): Prunus cerasifera
25 Mrz 2020

If the myrobalan plum is not eaten raw, it can be processed into compote and jam.

San Marzano Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‚San Marzano‘
15 Apr 2020

The fruit ripens throughout the summer and into the autumn. It has a firm flesh and is mainly processed into tomato paste and canned food.

Purple Calabash Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‚Purple Calabash‘
10 Jun 2020

The purple calabash tastes sweet and very aromatic, as one would otherwise expect from the much smaller cocktail tomatoes.

Cane Apple: Arbutus unedo
06 Aug 2020

The berry tastes sweet, hardly sour and has no characteristic aroma.

Indian Moon Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‚Indian Moon‘
28 Okt 2020

A typical attribute of the bright golden yellow tomato variety ‚Indian Moon‘ is the fine blush of the very ripe fruits up to red „cheeks“.

Rhubarb: Rheum rhabarbarum
27 Nov 2020

The stems are hardly sweet and are therefore usually given sugar.

Nanking cherry: Prunus tomentosa
23 Jan 2021

The hairy fruits, which grow on very short stems almost directly on the branch, are juicy and soft, slightly sweet and tart.

Prickly wild rose (rose hips): Rosa acicularis
26 Jan 2021

North American natives made tea from the leaves and also ate them as a salad. The inner bark was smoked like tobacco.

Hummingbird fuchsia: Fuchsia magellanica
08 Feb 2021

The fruits of the scarlet fuchsia are edible, taste sweet and a little pungent.

Sweet cherry (yellow): Prunus avium subsp. duracina ‚Dönissens gelbe Knorpelkirsche‘
21 Jun 2021

Of all the yellow cherry varieties, this one is probably the best known and most common throughout Germany.

Blackthorn: Prunus spinosa
21 Nov 2021

Blackthorn fruits are made into jam, jelly and compote.

Jostaberry: Ribes × nidigrolaria
21 Nov 2021

The black, round berries with white little hairs are best eaten fresh as soft fruit, but they are of course also suitable for making jam, jelly, juice and liqueur.

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