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Stuffing Cucumber: Cyclanthera pedata

Colour: Green, Edible: Fruits, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Edible: Shoots and sprouts, Culinary Group: Brassica and leaf vegetables, Culinary Group: Fruit vegetables, Culinary Group: Sprouts, Taste: watery, Taste: neutral
Stuffing Cucumber: Cyclanthera pedata

Kohlrabi: Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes

Colour: Violet, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Edible: Shoots and sprouts, Culinary Group: Brassica and leaf vegetables
Kohlrabi: Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes

Wild garlic: Allium vineale

Colour: Violet, Edible: Shoots and sprouts, Culinary Group: Wild herbs
Wild garlic: Allium vineale

Japanes Knotweed: Fallopia japonica

Colour: Green, Edible: Shoots and sprouts, Culinary Group: Sprouts, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables
Japanes Knotweed: Fallopia japonica

Bath Asparagus: Ornithogalum pyrenaicum

Colour: Green, Edible: Shoots and sprouts, Culinary Group: Sprouts, Taste: neutral
Bath Asparagus: Ornithogalum pyrenaicum

Spiny restharrow: Ononis spinosa

Colour: Green, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Edible: Shoots and sprouts, Culinary Group: Brassica and leaf vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables
Spiny restharrow: Ononis spinosa
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