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Noni: Morinda citrifolia

Colour: White, Edible: Fruits, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Culinary Group: Tropical fruits, Culinary Group: Bush food, Culinary Group: Famine Food
Noni: Morinda citrifolia

Common silverweed: Argentina anserina

Colour: Green, Edible: Leaves and herbs, Edible: Tubers and roots, Culinary Group: Tuber and root vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables, Culinary Group: Wild herbs, Culinary Group: Flour substitutes, Culinary Group: Famine Food
Common silverweed: Argentina anserina

Tree tumbo: Welwitschia mirabilis

Colour: Multicoloured, Edible: Flowers and buds, Culinary Group: Wild vegetables, Culinary Group: Famine Food
Tree tumbo: Welwitschia mirabilis

Indian sandbur: Cenchrus biflorus

Colour: Brown, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Culinary Group: Cereals, Culinary Group: Famine Food
Indian sandbur: Cenchrus biflorus

Crowfoot-grass: Dactyloctenium aegyptium

Colour: Brown, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Culinary Group: Cereals, Culinary Group: Famine Food
Crowfoot-grass: Dactyloctenium aegyptium

Yeddo hawthorn: Rhaphiolepis umbellata

Colour: Black, Edible: Seeds and kernels, Culinary Group: Flour substitutes, Culinary Group: Famine Food
Yeddo hawthorn: Rhaphiolepis umbellata
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