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Licences and buying pictures


I offer selected motives in my shop (“Gemüseladen“, German) as prints for sale. If you would like to purchase another motif as a print, please send me an e-mail. I will first check your desired picture to see if it meets the quality requirements for a print. For the print medium I usually prefer photo rag paper (100% cotton), metal print (aluminium dibond) and acrylic print with aluminium dibond backing (gallery print).

Sold out limited fine art prints cannot be re-produced.

Commission work

Photo jobs will not be accepted.

Rights of use

All pictures and texts on this website are subject to German copyright law. The disregard of the exploitation rights listed in the German Copyright Act (UrhG), i.e. the use of my pictures or texts without my agreement and without a licence, results in a warning with the demand for subsequent remuneration and compensation. The copyright is also valid without explicit marking of the pictures.

A free use of my pictures is not intended and I kindly ask you to abstain from inquiries.

Non-exclusive or limited exclusive rights of use with can be acquired. Rights of use can be granted, for example, for use in books, trade fair stands, (online) magazines, advertising brochures or on posters and postcards.

It is not allowed to paint or draw my pictures in order to put them on the market or exhibit them.

If you want to use text excerpts in the wording, mark them as quotations and please indicate the correct reference (name of author and title of article with direct link).


For exhibitions without organized sale, i.e. outside the art market, I allow myself to charge an exhibition fee. The fee depends on the sales value of the picture, the duration of the exhibition, the catchment area and the organiser (e.g. law firm, restaurant, medical practice).

Examples for 1 picture:
Exhibition duration up to 6 weeks in a municipal gallery or in a hospital, city with up to 100000 inhabitants: 29,95€.
Exhibition duration between 6 weeks and 3 months in a hotel, city with more than 100000 inhabitants: 130,-€.

Packaging and delivery costs may be added, as well as costs for travel, accommodation and overnight stay if necessary, which will be agreed in advance.

The amount of the exhibition fee is based on the recommendations of the ver.di Fachgruppe Bildende Kunst (German).

© Jennifer Markwirth 2025,
Alle Inhalte, insbesondere Texte und Bilder, sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte, einschließlich der Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung, Bearbeitung und Übersetzung, bleiben vorbehalten. Bitte lesen Sie die Richtlinien zur Bildernutzung. Wer gegen das Urheberrecht verstößt (z.B. Bilder oder Texte unerlaubt kopiert), macht sich gem. §§ 106 ff UrhG strafbar, wird zudem kostenpflichtig abgemahnt und muss Schadensersatz leisten (§ 97 UrhG)
error: Please contact me if you are interested in using my pictures.