Search Results for pungent

Green Luobo Radish: Raphanus sativus subsp. niger ‚Green Luobo‘
25 Mrz 2020

Green Luobo can be eaten raw and when cut into thin slices is a decorative addition to a salad.

Kohlrabi: Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes
30 Okt 2020

The kohlrabi stem can be eaten raw and cooked, for example diced and steamed or boiled.

Guaiac: Guaiacum officinale
11 Feb 2020

Guaiac resin smells warm and sweet and reminds of chocolate and vanilla, but tastes unpleasantly pungent when pure.

Chives: Allium schoenoprasum
30 Okt 2020

Chives are finely chopped or cut with scissors, and are used in herb butter, sauces and various other herbal preparations.

Hummingbird fuchsia: Fuchsia magellanica
08 Feb 2021

The fruits of the scarlet fuchsia are edible, taste sweet and a little pungent.

Ceylon cinnamon: Cinnamomum verum
09 Apr 2023

Cinnamon is used as „sticks“ or „canels“ (peeled and dried bark, but actually the bast) to flavour a wide variety of dishes and is usually cooked with them.

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