Search Results for Allium

Wild Garlic: Allium ursinum
02 Jun 2017

Wild garlic can be collected in the spring from March to the end of April in many places in the forest. There it grows as a dense, dark green carpet.

Wild garlic: Allium vineale
10 Aug 2018

The bulbils are only about 5 mm in size and the onion is edible (stems and leaves are too tough) and taste like chives, often the taste is described similar to garlic and can replace it.

Few-flowered leek: Allium paradoxum
27 Sep 2020

Few-flowered leek: Allium paradoxum The leek with the bell-shaped flowers Few-flowered leek can grow in a dense, lawn-like stand. It is edible like spring onions, although the "tuber" remains somewhat smaller and the whole plant has a more delicate growth.

Chives: Allium schoenoprasum
30 Okt 2020

Chives are finely chopped or cut with scissors, and are used in herb butter, sauces and various other herbal preparations.

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