The texture and taste of the tubers are reminiscent of ripe coconuts.
The Eastern black walnut is used in the USA as in Europe the common walnut.
The list of preparation options for eating chestnuts is long…
If the seeds are not used for jewelery, they can be eaten like nuts. They are supposed to taste like pistachios.
The green walnut is the unripe walnut fruit (J. regia) harvested before St John’s Day on 24 June which is processed into a delicacy.
Beech can be used in many ways: the fruits called “ beechnuts “ as nuts or oil fruit and coffee substitute, leaves as salad, wood as smoke aroma.
This cultivation of hemp is useless as a drug crop, but as a food plant the more valuable.
The fresh, yellow fruits still taste astringent. Only in the brown, overripe fruits are the tannins degraded and the honey-sweet, caramel-like taste dominates.
The kernel (nucellus) contains a lot of starch (and vitamins), so that a flour can be obtained from them after roasting, with which flat bread is baked or crackers called „emping“ are fried.