Search Results for mealy

Crab apple ‚Butterball‘: Malus ‚Butterball‘
20 Feb 2018

This crab apple can be used in a similar way to most mealy and low acid apples, but above all it can be eaten fresh from the tree.

Common bearberry: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
07 Jun 2017

The red stone fruits can be processed well to juice, jam and syrup.

Korean dogwood: Cornus kousa
24 Jun 2017

Under the slightly leathery skin is a soft, mealy pulp with a flavour reminiscent of mango and pineapple.

Elberta Girl Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‚Elberta Girl‘
10 Aug 2018

The entire plant of the ‚Elberta Girl‘ tomato cultivar is covered with a fine, silvery fluff. The leaves are somewhat curly, the fruits are flamed. They are not very sweet, the flesh is of a rather mealy-soft consistency.

Marrowfat pea Blauwschokker: Pisum sativum convar. speciosum ‚Blauwschokker‘
02 Okt 2019

Blauwschokker peas are mainly used as dry peas, less often fresh, although they taste sweet as long as they are harvested young and tender and are eaten immediately.

Glass Gem Corn: Zea mays ssp. mays convar. indurata ‚Glass Gem Corn‘
13 Feb 2020

The dried grains can be popped or ground into flour, but flour and popcorn are then no longer so colourful.

Myrobalan plum (red variety): Prunus cerasifera
25 Mrz 2020

If the myrobalan plum is not eaten raw, it can be processed into compote and jam.

Cane Apple: Arbutus unedo
06 Aug 2020

The berry tastes sweet, hardly sour and has no characteristic aroma.

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