Search Results for Eurasian Steppe

Hemp: Cannabis sativa var. sativa
26 Jun 2017

This cultivation of hemp is useless as a drug crop, but as a food plant the more valuable.

City-goosefoot: Oxybasis urbica
30 Jun 2017

The black-brown seeds can be used as pseudocereals similar to quinoa, for example boiled as a porridge and grounded to a flour as addition to baking flour.

Common buckwheat: Fagopyrum esculentum
11 Jul 2017

Common buckwheat: Fagopyrum esculentum More than just ``Poor man's food`` An important identifying characteristics of the common buckwheat that differentiats from the other buckwheat species is the red stem. Because gluten is absent, buckwheat can not be used alone for

European dewberry: Rubus caesius
14 Sep 2017

They taste is almost the same as blackberries, but a bit more sour than these. The fruits can be picked straight from the shrub, or can be processed to jam and dewberry liqueurs.

City-goosefoot: Oxybasis urbica
22 Sep 2017

The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked as leaf vegetables such as spinach. The black-brown seeds can be used as pseudocerals.

Rowanberry: Sorbus aucuparia
11 Okt 2017

It is still a stubbornly held legend that the fruits of the rowanberry or mountain ash are poisonous. The small fruits are ideal for jam, mash, liqueur…

Creeping cinquefoil: Potentilla reptans
08 Mai 2018

Finely chopped, creeping cinquefoil is suitable as a seasoning herb in salads or dried in herbal salt. In summer the fresh flowers can be used as edible decoration.

Common silverweed: Argentina anserina
20 Jul 2018

In Tibet, the roots are supposed to be eaten comparatively frequently as a nourishing root vegetable. They can be processed fresh or dried for later use. The leaves can be chopped (because they are very fibrous) and added as wild herbs in salads or steamed in oil.

Fool’s-water-cress: Helosciadium nodiflorum
10 Aug 2018

This wild vegetable, which tastes like a mixture of celery, carrot green and parsley, is particularly popular as an ingredient for green smoothies. The tender leaves also refine salads or stews and spinach.

Mock strawberry: Potentilla indica
13 Aug 2018

The strawberries-like red fruits are edible, but taste dull and watery.

Common self-heal: Prunella vulgaris
11 Mrz 2019

The whole herb, including the deep purple flowers, can be eaten raw as a salad or cooked as leaf vegetables.

Wild strawberry: Fragaria vesca
21 Mrz 2019

The fruits are sweet and have a very aromatic taste. They are best eaten raw.

Myrobalan plum (red variety): Prunus cerasifera
25 Mrz 2020

If the myrobalan plum is not eaten raw, it can be processed into compote and jam.

Turkmen Pear: Pyrus turcomanica
10 Jun 2020

The round fruits of the Turkmen pear look more like small apples, but the flesh contains the stone cells typical for pears

Carline Thistle: Carlina vulgaris
03 Jul 2020

The flower bases of the buds can be eaten like an artichoke, but those of the carline thistle are much smaller and hardly productive.

Chives: Allium schoenoprasum
30 Okt 2020

Chives are finely chopped or cut with scissors, and are used in herb butter, sauces and various other herbal preparations.

Cabbage thistle: Cirsium oleraceum
11 Jul 2019

Young leaves and stems are edible as vegetables, the small flower buds can be prepared like artichokes.

Prickly wild rose (rose hips): Rosa acicularis
26 Jan 2021

North American natives made tea from the leaves and also ate them as a salad. The inner bark was smoked like tobacco.

Kaiser Alexander Cucumber: Cucumis sativus ‚Kaiser Alexander‘
24 Aug 2021

Kaiser Alexander cucumbers at maturity have a dark brown skin with netting. At this stage, the fruit should be peeled before eating.

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