Search Results for Cucurbita pepo

Delicata squash: Cucurbita pepo var. pepo ‚Bush Delicata‘
14 Jun 2018

The rather large fruits are steamed, roasted, stewed and baked, they can be filled.

Baby Boo Pumpkin: Cucurbita pepo var. pepo ‚Baby Boo‘
09 Jan 2023

The Baby Boo pumpkin is hardly bigger than an apple. The firm skin is white, the firm flesh rather cream-coloured to pale orange.

Hayato Pumpkin: Cucurbita moschata ‚Hayato‘
11 Sep 2017

The variety comes from Japan and is named after a Japanese tribe (隼 人, “Falcon-People”), who lived on the Kyūshū island during the Nara period.

Tindola: Coccinia grandis
13 Jun 2017

When the fruit ripenes, it turns red, unfortunately it becomes also very mushy. The tindola, as the fruit of the ivy gourd plant is called, is eaten as a fruit-vegetable. Ripe fruits can be candied. In tropical Asia the young shoots are also eaten.

African horned melon: Cucumis metulliferus
28 Sep 2017

The horned cucumber or african horned melon is indeed related to cucumbers and melons. The green jelly inside tastes like a mixture of both, it is a bit sweet and has little acidity.

Sponge gourd: Luffa aegyptiaca
08 Mrz 2018

If the sponge gourd, which is also called vietnamese luffa, is still immature, its net-like tissue is not yet lignified and therefore soft and edible.

Stuffing Cucumber: Cyclanthera pedata
01 Mrz 2021

Almost all parts of the beautiful and fast-climbing stuffing cucumber are edible

Kaiser Alexander Cucumber: Cucumis sativus ‚Kaiser Alexander‘
24 Aug 2021

Kaiser Alexander cucumbers at maturity have a dark brown skin with netting. At this stage, the fruit should be peeled before eating.

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