Search Results for berry

Miracle Berry: Synsepalum dulcificum
19 Nov 2018

Miracle berry has a unique effect on our sense of taste: it superimposes taste impressions in a way that everything is perceived as being sweet.

Pheasant berry: Leycesteria formosa
28 Sep 2017

As soon as the small fruits of pheasant berry are ripe and therefore dark brown and soft, they taste intensely like slightly burnt (bitter) caramel.

Kiwi berry: Actinidia arguta
22 May 2019

The  small kiwi berries are in their anatomy miniature editions of the common kiwifruit (A. deliciosa) and also have the typical aroma of the large fruits.

Bilberry cactus: Myrtillocactus geometrizans
01 Mar 2018

Billberry cactus has an impressive growth height of up to 4 meters, and yet it produces only very small, sweet tasting fruits.

Bog bilberry: Vaccinium uliginosum
11 Oct 2017

Bog bilberries can be freshly taken from the shrub or processed into jam, compote, liqueur and wine.

Beale’s barberry: Mahonia bealei
24 Jul 2018

Ripe fruits of Beale’s barberry are edible raw or cooked and a jam can be prepared. Dried berries give muesli a fruity note.

Jostaberry: Ribes × nidigrolaria
21 Nov 2021

The black, round berries with white little hairs are best eaten fresh as soft fruit, but they are of course also suitable for making jam, jelly, juice and liqueur.

Gooseberry: Ribes uva-crispa
07 Jun 2017

The gooseberry grows in many gardens and can be picked fresh from the bush or eaten as light green jelly or compote.

Amur peppervine: Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata
28 Jan 2021

The colourful fruits of Amur peppervine taste predominantly sweet. They have no intense taste and no acidity.

Ligiri: Idesia polycarpa
07 Jun 2019

The Ligiri, native to East Asia, carries clusters of small berries that taste bitter and tangy. They can be eaten raw or cooked.

Magenta cherry: Syzygium paniculatum
13 Jun 2017

The Magenta Lilly Pilly is usually eaten raw, but can also be processed to a jam

Common Grape Vine (Pinot Gris): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
27 Feb 2020

Pinot Gris is a variety of the common grape vine, which belongs to the white wines although the grape skin has a reddish to grey-violet colour.

Common Grape Vine (Scheurebe): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
27 Feb 2020

Scheurebe produces excellent dessert wines. But an early harvest leads to extremely unpleasant aromas, which are supposed to remind one of sweat or cat urine.

Applecactus: Harrisia pomanensis
08 May 2018

This berry of Harrisia pomanensis is not only visually reminiscent of pitayas, but also in taste and consistency.

Cane Apple: Arbutus unedo
06 Aug 2020

The berry tastes sweet, hardly sour and has no characteristic aroma.

Canary arbutus: Arbutus canariensis
26 Oct 2017

The local people like the fruits directly from the shrub, but they can also be processed to confectionery and fruit schnapps.

Green Zebra (striped tomato): Solanum lycopersicum ‘Green Zebra’
26 Oct 2017

Contrary to the green colour, the Green Zebra tastes, like many other types of tomatoes, pleasantly sweet.

Elberta Girl Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Elberta Girl’
10 Aug 2018

The entire plant of the ‘Elberta Girl’ tomato cultivar is covered with a fine, silvery fluff. The leaves are somewhat curly, the fruits are flamed. They are not very sweet, the flesh is of a rather mealy-soft consistency.

Sweet granadilla: Passiflora ligularis
20 Jul 2018

Unlike the grey-violet, roundish passion fruit (P. edulis f. edulis), this fruit of sweet granadilla is rarely used for the production of juices, but mainly as freshly eaten dessert fruit.

Pinapple-Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Pinapple’
04 Oct 2018

Pineapple tomatoes are one of the largest and heaviest tomato varieties. Individual fruits can weigh over 1 kg.

Java apple: Syzygium samarangense
04 Jun 2018

Java apples are usually eaten raw as dessert fruit, but sometimes they also find their way into spicy dishes.

Red Dragon Fruit: Hylocereus cf. monacanthus
26 Jun 2017

The intense pink color of this fruit, especially of the fruit flesh, is a challenge for the eye and for the camera sensor.

Stuffing Cucumber: Cyclanthera pedata
01 Mar 2021

Almost all parts of the beautiful and fast-climbing stuffing cucumber are edible

Pink prickly heath: Gaultheria mucronata ‘Purpurea’
28 Jan 2021

Many do not know that the fruits of prickly heath, which are usually white, can also be eaten.

White-fleshed Dragon Fruit: Hylocereus undatus
26 Jun 2017

The pitaya is best eaten fresh and raw. I like to spoon out the white, sweet fruit pulp from the halved fruit.

Longkong: Lansium parasiticum ‘Longkong’
19 Nov 2018

The fruits grow in compact bundles and have a leathery, pale brown skin. The flesh is mainly eaten raw, but can also be processed into compote and canned foods.

Redcurrant: Ribes rubrum
13 Oct 2017

Redcurrants are processed to red fruit soups and summer pudding, juice and ice cream. And many more…

Date-plum: Diospyros lotus
13 Oct 2017

Date plums can be eaten raw after frost destroyed their adstringency, but they are most eaten dried.

San Marzano Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘San Marzano’
15 Apr 2020

The fruit ripens throughout the summer and into the autumn. It has a firm flesh and is mainly processed into tomato paste and canned food.

Striped Eggplant: Solanum melongena var. esculentum ‘Rotonda bianca sfumata di rosa’
13 Oct 2017

The variety ‘Rotonda bianca sfumata di rosa’ is found in the trade quite rare, typical in our (European) view are the black varieties.

Gezahnte tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Gezahnte Buhrer Keel’
22 Sep 2017

Beef tomatoes are mainly used for cooking, they can be filled and baked or used in stews and sauces. Tomatoes are even suitable for jams – alone or mixed with other fruits.

Chinese persimmon: Diospyros kaki var. sylvestris
11 Jul 2017

The flesh of this persimmon reminded me of a dried date: it was brown and soft, tasted sweet, perhaps caramel-like, but unfortunately also “not quite fresh”.

Palmyra palm: Borassus flabellifer
27 Jun 2017

I have only tried the approximately walnut-sized kernels, of which there are usually 3 to 4 in a fruit. They contain a lot of water and have a subtle, coconut-like, sweet taste.

Star fruit: Averrhoa carambola
21 Nov 2021

The carambola or star fruit is often used for decoration at buffets or in cocktails.

Cattley guava: Psidium cattleyanum var. cattleyanum
03 Feb 2020

Cattley guava has spherical, red berries that can be eaten fresh or processed into juice, jam and sorbet.

Dead man’s fingers: Decaisnea fargesii
03 Jun 2017

The jelly-like fruit content, which surrounds the disc-shaped seeds, tastes sweet and is a small snack for anytime.

Pomegranate: Punica granatum
16 Oct 2017

Pomegranate juice is obtained from these fruits, which is then processed into pomegranate wine and grenadine.

Jalapeño: Capsicum annuum cv. ‘Jalapeño’
11 Jul 2017

It is cut into small pieces for seasoning, especially for salsas.

Indigo rose tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Indigo Rose’
20 Feb 2018

Indigo rose tomato belongs to the rather small-fruited varieties and can be eaten directly from the shrub.

Sinofranchetia chinensis
13 Jun 2017

The edible fruits of Sinofranchetia are very similar to grapes, but less sweet and with a little leathery skin.

Indian Moon Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Indian Moon’
28 Oct 2020

A typical attribute of the bright golden yellow tomato variety ‘Indian Moon’ is the fine blush of the very ripe fruits up to red “cheeks”.

Sticky nightshade: Solanum sisymbriifolium
13 Jun 2017

The plant is completely protected by sharp prickles, but this should not stop anyone from tasting the sweet berries that look like 2 cm large tomatoes.

Mouse melon: Melothria scabra
11 Jul 2017

The approximately 3-4 cm long, round-oval berries of the mouse melon resemble tiny water melons with their light and dark green mesh pattern, but they taste intensive like cucumbers.

White currant: Ribes rubrum var. alba
13 Aug 2018

Like their red relatives, white currants are popular garden plants, but their fruits are sweeter.

Tindola: Coccinia grandis
13 Jun 2017

When the fruit ripenes, it turns red, unfortunately it becomes also very mushy. The tindola, as the fruit of the ivy gourd plant is called, is eaten as a fruit-vegetable. Ripe fruits can be candied. In tropical Asia the young shoots are also eaten.

Bitter melon: Momordica charantia (unripe)
26 Sep 2017

Boiled, fried or filled and baked, the immature fruits are very appreciated because of their bitterness.

Common Grape Vine (Pinot blanc): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
17 Feb 2020

The berries are compact, the fruits are green when ripe and have a high sugar content.

Purple Calabash Tomato: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Purple Calabash’
10 Jun 2020

The purple calabash tastes sweet and very aromatic, as one would otherwise expect from the much smaller cocktail tomatoes.

Bitter melon: Momordica charantia (ripe)
26 Sep 2017

The red tissue, which encloses the poisonous seeds, tastes very sweet.

Hummingbird fuchsia: Fuchsia magellanica
08 Feb 2021

The fruits of the scarlet fuchsia are edible, taste sweet and a little pungent.

Soursop: Annona muricata
16 Aug 2019

The soursop is very similar to the cherimoya which is related to it, but it is even more sensitive to pressure and therefore rarely found on the market.

Common Grape Vine (Schonburger): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
25 Feb 2020

Despite its bright red berries, Schonburger belongs to the white wines, its quality is compared with Traminer.

Common Grape Vine (Cabernet Mitos): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
25 Feb 2020

The berries of Cabernet Mitos not only have a deep blue, frosted skin, but their pulp is also rich in red pigments, which is not the case with most other grapes.

Common Grape Vine (Riesling): Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera
27 Feb 2020

Riesling wines are of high quality and easily assume the character of their growing region.

Jabuticaba: Plinia cauliflora
05 Dec 2017

The black skin is tough and tastes astringent, but the white, firm flesh inside is sweet and reminds of a grape or gooseberry in taste.

Kaiser Alexander Cucumber: Cucumis sativus ‘Kaiser Alexander’
24 Aug 2021

Kaiser Alexander cucumbers at maturity have a dark brown skin with netting. At this stage, the fruit should be peeled before eating.

Poro Poro: Solanum viride
02 Nov 2020

The Green Nightshade or Poro Poro is called ” man-eater tomato” in German.

Natal plum: Carissa macrocarpa
23 Jan 2021

The fruits of the natal plum, which are red when ripe, have a creamy, soft consistency and taste sweet.

Bengal quince: Aegle marmelos
08 May 2018

To open this fruit, I needed 2 large knives. A saw would have been better, but I didn’t have it at hand. When I spooned out the fruit, my spoon also broke.

Baby Boo Pumpkin: Cucurbita pepo var. pepo ‘Baby Boo’
09 Jan 2023

The Baby Boo pumpkin is hardly bigger than an apple. The firm skin is white, the firm flesh rather cream-coloured to pale orange.

Cocoa: Theobroma cacao
09 Jan 2023

The purple or reddish, brittle cocoa beans are first fermented with the help of the sweet pulp for about 10 days, which reduces the bitter substances and slowly develops the typical cocoa aroma.

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