The unripe legume of the Leadtree are particularly appreciated in Southeast Asian cuisine, although the plant originally comes from Central America.
The pitaya is best eaten fresh and raw. I like to spoon out the white, sweet fruit pulp from the halved fruit.
In their original habitat, the immature fruits are eaten pickled or steamed.
The aroma of fresh pandan leaves reminds of vanilla, it is of a heavy sweetness and very intense.
The fresh flowers are often used in different countries as aromatic inflorescence vegetables or for jam.
The leaves of the black locust contain toxins, which is why they should only be eaten properly cooked!
The rather large fruits are steamed, roasted, stewed and baked, they can be filled.
Pineapple tomatoes are one of the largest and heaviest tomato varieties. Individual fruits can weigh over 1 kg.