Search Results for Local market

Barth’s rice: Oryza barthii
25 Sep 2017

This wild form of african rice is used in times of food scarcity until today and is sometimes even sold as a crop at local markets.

Yellow nutsedge: Cyperus esculentus
08 Mar 2018

The texture and taste of the tubers are reminiscent of ripe coconuts.

Canary arbutus: Arbutus canariensis
26 Oct 2017

The local people like the fruits directly from the shrub, but they can also be processed to confectionery and fruit schnapps.

Exhibitions and purchase of art works
05 Oct 2021

Selected motifs in limited editions My hand-signed, limited edition fine art prints and other murals are best viewed at my exhibitions, listed below. Studio sales and shipping are also available upon request. The current list of works with prices can

White-fleshed Dragon Fruit: Hylocereus undatus
26 Jun 2017

The pitaya is best eaten fresh and raw. I like to spoon out the white, sweet fruit pulp from the halved fruit.

07 Mar 2019

Prints I offer selected motives in my shop (“Gemüseladen“, German) as prints for sale. If you would like to purchase another motif as a print, please send me an e-mail. I will first check your desired picture to see if

Jujube: Ziziphus jujuba
30 Sep 2019

During the ripening process, the initially yellow fruit is covered more and more with reddish-brown spots until the whole skin is brown.

Meyer lemon: Citrus × meyeri
27 Feb 2018

The smaller, thin-peeled fruits of Meyer lemon taste very intense and are not as sour as many other varieties. At the same time, they are very juicy.

Yellow swiss chard: Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Flavescens-Group
02 Oct 2019

The slightly salty tasting leaves and leaf stems can be eaten raw as salad or stewed, cooked as spinach or sautéed.

Marrowfat pea Blauwschokker: Pisum sativum convar. speciosum ‘Blauwschokker’
02 Oct 2019

Blauwschokker peas are mainly used as dry peas, less often fresh, although they taste sweet as long as they are harvested young and tender and are eaten immediately.

Green Luobo Radish: Raphanus sativus subsp. niger ‘Green Luobo’
25 Mar 2020

Green Luobo can be eaten raw and when cut into thin slices is a decorative addition to a salad.

Chinese Water Chestnut: Eleocharis dulcis
28 Sep 2018

Water chestnuts are usually peeled and then cooked. When cooked, the white tuber tissue retains its crunchy consistency, reminiscent of firm apples.

Sweet granadilla: Passiflora ligularis
20 Jul 2018

Unlike the grey-violet, roundish passion fruit (P. edulis f. edulis), this fruit of sweet granadilla is rarely used for the production of juices, but mainly as freshly eaten dessert fruit.

About me
23 Jun 2017

Jennifer Markwirth Botanical Fine Art Photographer. Digital Artist. Writer. Inspired by the (ethno-)botanical collections entrusted to her care and supported by the botanical gardens of Frankfurt, Jennifer Markwirth has dedicated herself since 2013 to botanical object photography with the theme

Red Chard: Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Cicla-Group
03 Jul 2019

The slightly salty tasting leaves and stems can be eaten raw as salad or cooked, e.g. as spinach or sautéed.

Java apple: Syzygium samarangense
04 Jun 2018

Java apples are usually eaten raw as dessert fruit, but sometimes they also find their way into spicy dishes.

Pink prickly heath: Gaultheria mucronata ‘Purpurea’
28 Jan 2021

Many do not know that the fruits of prickly heath, which are usually white, can also be eaten.

Breadfruit: Artocarpus altilis (unripe)
24 Jun 2017

Under the light green skin of these large, still immature fruits is a white, firm fruit flesh, whose sticky latex quickly turns yellow.

Jumbay (unripe fruits): Leucaena leucocephala
22 May 2019

The unripe legume of the Leadtree are particularly appreciated in Southeast Asian cuisine, although the plant originally comes from Central America.

Delicata squash: Cucurbita pepo var. pepo ‘Bush Delicata’
14 Jun 2018

The rather large fruits are steamed, roasted, stewed and baked, they can be filled.

Celery root: Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
11 Jul 2017

he tuber cellar is a classic, spicy ingredient in stews and soups with a characteristic aroma.

Purple yam: Dioscorea alata
12 May 2020

The eponymous violet colour of the starchy storage tissue is striking, although it can also be white.

Palmyra palm: Borassus flabellifer
27 Jun 2017

I have only tried the approximately walnut-sized kernels, of which there are usually 3 to 4 in a fruit. They contain a lot of water and have a subtle, coconut-like, sweet taste.

Oval Kumquat: Citrus margarita
11 Mar 2019

Kumquats are eaten as a whole. They are sweet and tangy and very aromatic.

Snake fruit: Salacca zalacca
12 Jul 2019

The paper-thin skin hides a very firm, crunchy, yellowish-white flesh, which tastes very good when ripe and has an aroma reminiscent of mango, lychee or (remotely) durian.

Sweet chestnut: Castanea sativa
11 Jul 2017

The list of preparation options for eating chestnuts is long…

Flower Sprouts: Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera ‘Flower-Sprouts’
11 Jul 2017

Flower sprouts taste milder than many other types of cabbage and require only a short cooking time.

Fingerroot: Boesenbergia rotunda
20 Feb 2018

Krachai is closely related to ginger and shares many of its properties as a spice, so that it can be used wherever ginger is needed.

Pomegranate: Punica granatum
16 Oct 2017

Pomegranate juice is obtained from these fruits, which is then processed into pomegranate wine and grenadine.

Jalapeño: Capsicum annuum cv. ‘Jalapeño’
11 Jul 2017

It is cut into small pieces for seasoning, especially for salsas.

Noni Leaf (Bai-yo): Morinda citrifolia
12 Feb 2020

Bai-yo or noni leaves are rich in vitamin A and like the fruits they are also offered as superfood in various forms.

Drumstick tree: Moringa oleifera
10 Apr 2018

The long, immature capsule fruits of the horseradish tree are called “drumsticks” where they are used as fruit vegetables.

African pear: Dacryodes edulis
28 Jun 2017

In its consistency and fat content, the safou can best be compared to the avocado, but there is a lemon or lime-like aroma with a fine acidity.

Pandan leaf: Pandanus amaryllifolius
22 Feb 2018

The aroma of fresh pandan leaves reminds of vanilla, it is of a heavy sweetness and very intense.

Tindola: Coccinia grandis
13 Jun 2017

When the fruit ripenes, it turns red, unfortunately it becomes also very mushy. The tindola, as the fruit of the ivy gourd plant is called, is eaten as a fruit-vegetable. Ripe fruits can be candied. In tropical Asia the young shoots are also eaten.

Belgian endive: Cichorium intybus var. foliosum
23 Feb 2018

Common belgian endive (with the yellowish to light green leaves) is much better known and more frequently found on the vegetable shelf than this violet variety.

Soursop: Annona muricata
16 Aug 2019

The soursop is very similar to the cherimoya which is related to it, but it is even more sensitive to pressure and therefore rarely found on the market.

Curry Leaf: Bergera koenigii
08 Sep 2017

The leaves of the curry tree have a “heavy” aroma, which gives vegetable dishes more substance.

Hayato Pumpkin: Cucurbita moschata ‘Hayato’
11 Sep 2017

The variety comes from Japan and is named after a Japanese tribe (隼 人, “Falcon-People”), who lived on the Kyūshū island during the Nara period.

Dividia: Scorodophloeus zenkeri
11 Sep 2017

All parts of the tree smell of garlic and are used locally as a spice. Leaves are cooked as vegetables.

Bengal quince: Aegle marmelos
08 May 2018

To open this fruit, I needed 2 large knives. A saw would have been better, but I didn’t have it at hand. When I spooned out the fruit, my spoon also broke.

Stone pine: Pinus pinea (Pine nuts)
08 May 2018

Pine nuts are usually roasted briefly in a pan and added as a seasoning ingredient to rice dishes, pesto and stewed leafy vegetables. They are also used to make sweets.

Baby Boo Pumpkin: Cucurbita pepo var. pepo ‘Baby Boo’
09 Jan 2023

The Baby Boo pumpkin is hardly bigger than an apple. The firm skin is white, the firm flesh rather cream-coloured to pale orange.

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