Search Results for aggregates of drupelets

European dewberry: Rubus caesius
14 Sep 2017

They taste is almost the same as blackberries, but a bit more sour than these. The fruits can be picked straight from the shrub, or can be processed to jam and dewberry liqueurs.

Virginia Raspberry: Rubus odoratus
28 Sep 2018

The fruits are small, not particularly juicy and decompose easily, which is why they have not become established as a fruit plant.

Conspicuous blackberry: Rubus conspicuus
28 Sep 2017

The “conspicuous” blackberry can be consumed directly from the bush as a soft fruit or processed into jam, jelly, liqueur, compote, sorbet and juice.

Winter’s Blackberry: Rubus winteri
05 Dec 2017

Winter’s Blackberry: Rubus winteri Not a winter crop Winter's blackberry, often called "winter blackberry", probably has nothing to do with the cold season. The "i" at the end of a botanical name usually refers to a surname and I suspect

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