Search Results for Farther India

Tartary buckwheat: Fagopyrum tataricum
11 Jul 2017

The Tartary or India buckwheat can be used like the common buckwheat.

Chinese Water Chestnut: Eleocharis dulcis
28 Sep 2018

Water chestnuts are usually peeled and then cooked. When cooked, the white tuber tissue retains its crunchy consistency, reminiscent of firm apples.

Pheasant berry: Leycesteria formosa
28 Sep 2017

As soon as the small fruits of pheasant berry are ripe and therefore dark brown and soft, they taste intensely like slightly burnt (bitter) caramel.

Job’s tears: Coix lacryma-jobi
10 Aug 2018

Despite its numerous uses, which are also used for medical purposes, Job’s tears are not very popular compared to other cereals. The cultivation is even declining.

Java apple: Syzygium samarangense
04 Jun 2018

Java apples are usually eaten raw as dessert fruit, but sometimes they also find their way into spicy dishes.

Breadfruit: Artocarpus altilis (unripe)
24 Jun 2017

Under the light green skin of these large, still immature fruits is a white, firm fruit flesh, whose sticky latex quickly turns yellow.

Fish mint: Houttuynia cordata
19 Nov 2018

The plant with the beautiful name “fish mint” has a quite unique, strong taste, which certainly not everyone likes.

Hongkong-Kumquat: Citrus hindsii
15 Sep 2017

The approximately 1 cm small fruits of the Hong Kong kumquat are the smallest citrus fruits in the world. In principle, they are edible, but they have little to offer because there is almost no flesh.

Star fruit: Averrhoa carambola
21 Nov 2021

The carambola or star fruit is often used for decoration at buffets or in cocktails.

Fingerroot: Boesenbergia rotunda
20 Feb 2018

Krachai is closely related to ginger and shares many of its properties as a spice, so that it can be used wherever ginger is needed.

Padi oats: Gnetum gnemon
01 Mar 2018

The kernel (nucellus) contains a lot of starch (and vitamins), so that a flour can be obtained from them after roasting, with which flat bread is baked or crackers called “emping” are fried.

Kaffir lime: Citrus hystrix
11 Jul 2017

In contrast to other types of lime, kaffir limes contain little juice, which is why the use of the essential oils in the dish is the focus.

Green Rice: Oryza sativa (unripe)
17 Oct 2017

A mash can be prepared from green rice and it is used as a coating for frying. With sugar, green rice can be cooked to brittle.

Kaffir lime leaf: Citrus hystix
11 Jul 2017

They are mostly cooked along with the other ingredients as a whole, so that they release their abundant aromatic oil, but the leaves are too leathery to be eaten.

Leaves of the bitter melon: Momordica charantia
26 Sep 2017

Mainly, the bizarre fruits of the bitter melon are used, but the leaves are also edible…

Tindola: Coccinia grandis
13 Jun 2017

When the fruit ripenes, it turns red, unfortunately it becomes also very mushy. The tindola, as the fruit of the ivy gourd plant is called, is eaten as a fruit-vegetable. Ripe fruits can be candied. In tropical Asia the young shoots are also eaten.

Bitter melon: Momordica charantia (unripe)
26 Sep 2017

Boiled, fried or filled and baked, the immature fruits are very appreciated because of their bitterness.

Sponge gourd: Luffa aegyptiaca
08 Mar 2018

If the sponge gourd, which is also called vietnamese luffa, is still immature, its net-like tissue is not yet lignified and therefore soft and edible.

Ben oil tree: Moringa oleifera
04 Jul 2018

From the ripe seeds of the horseradish tree, which is also called ben oil tree, the sweet-tasting ben oil is obtained, which does not turn rancid.

Sogrhum: Sorghum bicolor
03 Dec 2020

Sorghum is a staple food in parts of Africa (especially West and East Africa) and India.

Air potato: Dioscorea bulbifera
26 Jun 2017

The tubers of this Yam grow far above the ground in the leaf axils of the liana. Nevertheless, these can be quite large and heavy.

Curry Leaf: Bergera koenigii
08 Sep 2017

The leaves of the curry tree have a “heavy” aroma, which gives vegetable dishes more substance.

Brown gram: Vigna mungo (seeds)
28 Sep 2017

Brown gram: Vigna mungo (seeds) Used since ancient times The small, dark Brown Grams have been cultivated in India for 3000 to 4000 years. They are cooked in a whole, halved (separate cotyledons) or sprouted. Dried and processed into flour,

Jujube: Ziziphus jujuba
30 Sep 2019

During the ripening process, the initially yellow fruit is covered more and more with reddish-brown spots until the whole skin is brown.

Cabbage thistle: Cirsium oleraceum
11 Jul 2019

Young leaves and stems are edible as vegetables, the small flower buds can be prepared like artichokes.

Noni: Morinda citrifolia
12 Feb 2020

Although the noni not only smells bad but also tastes bitter, the ripe and unripe fruits and seeds are eaten.

Drumstick tree: Moringa oleifera
10 Apr 2018

The long, immature capsule fruits of the horseradish tree are called “drumsticks” where they are used as fruit vegetables.

Cleopatra mandarin: Citrus reshni
07 Jun 2017

The abundant juice of unripe fruit is used for the production of lemonades or fruit juices.

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