Search Results for cobs

Oaxacan Green dent corn: Zea mays ssp. mays convar. indentata ‘Oaxacan Green’
01 Mar 2021

Oaxacan Green dent corn is an old, green maize variety with very large cobs that was cultivated by the Zapotec Indians of Mexico in the province of Oaxaca.

Cuitlacoche: Ustilago maydis
19 Mar 2019

The up to 4 cm large galls on the cobs are edible young (before the black spores form) and are considered a delicacy in Mexico.

Blue-Cuties-Popcorn: Zea mays ssp. mays convar. everta ‘Blue Cuties’
11 Mar 2019

This dark popcorn bears comparatively many small cobs with small, round grains. These are almost black, with a blue-green shimmer.

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